does anybody know if the certain gasses that come off of rotting onions can produce corrorsion on electrical parts? im just trying to think why this panel, after being off all winter suddenly had a fire in after they used the dryer.
there was a bag with a rotten onion hanging right near the open fuse panel
does this sound stupid or make sense?
Hydrogen suflide?
Chemical Composition
Onion contains protein, sugars, cellulose, minerals, a fixed oil, an essential oil and over 80 per cent water. The amount of essential oil is very small but it contains the aromatic and tear-producing properties associated with onion. These are caused by
sulphides which are produced by the reaction of the enzyme alliinase on an amino acid. These substances are normally in separate cells in the tissues, but when the onion is cut and bruised, rupturing the cells, the reaction takes place. Cooking has the opposite effect, preventing the enzymatic action and thus milder and less pungent flavours are produced. The chemistry of the
Alliaceae family, including garlic, shallots etc, is very similar. The calorific value of raw onion is 38 calories per 100g, or roughly 20 calories for a 3oz onion.