e57 said:Handy box covers..... Cheap - easily available!
eds said:Anybody have any more links other than compacovers for covering boxes before sheet rock. Has any one used these compa covers from the picture they look like they might over hang the box a wee bit
I was having that problem for a spell, so I started to drive a 16d spike part way into the face of the stud, and taped the tail of the romex to that. I discovered that this must really tick off drywallers, because the romex was not in very good shape when I returned to finish.sparky 134 said:I had one GC who wanted to backcharge me because he had to open some drywall to find the undercabinet lighting whips the drywaller buried. He said I didn't make it obvious enough to the drywaller that the whips were to penetrate the drywall. He threatened to stop using me on future projects if we couldn't come to an agreement. I refused, politely, to pay for someone's elses incompetence.