routing of 480V cables to Code

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There is a machine builder that is using the machine metal frame as a race way. they've drilled holes into the 4x4" metal tube to run cables through (instead of a traditional cable tray). Is there anything in the NEC against this? i couldn't find it.
Are they using cable assemblies or individual conductors that are intended for use in raceways?

Are they building machines that have a listing as a complete unit?
They are using a multiconductor cable, not individual conductors. What do you mean by listed for the machine, like UL listed? They are not UL listed.
If it is a type of cable that is otherwise allowed to be exposed there should be no problem. Inside of the tubing is providing additional physical protection. If it is single conductors:

300.3 Conductors.
(A) Single Conductors. Single conductors specified in Table 310.13(A) shall only be installed where part of a recognized wiring method of Chapter 3.

There are some exceptions like the inside of a metal pole supporting a sign or luminiare - there are requirements that have to be met to use the pole as a raceway.

Also see article 100 definintion of raceway.
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