I need to wire RTD's and 4-20mA transmitters that are located in a C1D2 location to a control panel that is located in a C1D2 location. I would like to run multiple Tray Cables in a single conduit out of the enclosure and branch off to each sensor with the TC when I'm within a few feet of the sensor. My question is on the bonding. For a typical RTD I would need 3 conductors plus the shield. I want to connect the shield at only one termination, therefore, it will not act as a bond. So does that mean that I need to go with 4 conductor + shield and use one of the conductors as my bonding conductor? I also thought about running to the sensor using LFMC and including a THHN bonding conductor with the TC inside the LFMC. If I do that will I not need to install a bonding jumper in parallel with the LFMC?