Rules (NEC 2017) pertaining to outlet placement in assisted living facillities.

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Lake City, FL
Master Electrician
So, we are wiring an assisted living facillity and had completed the rough-in according to plan (provided by an electrical engineer), the inspector fails the inspection based on (2) items:

1) We didn't follow the residential outlet placement rule in the client rooms.

We have wired (7) or (8) of these in (2) states and multiple jurisdictions all with the same basic floor plan and outlet placement, this is the first time we have had a problem with this issue. I have looked into the 2017 NEC and I am having a hard time trying to figure out exactly what would apply in this situation.
They are set up a little like hotel rooms, no kitchen sink or appliances, meals are prepared by staff and eaten in a common area.
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