Running SER in finished Ceiling

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Adding a subpanel in a Laundry room. The biggest task will be running the 1/0 Alluminum back to the garage about 90 feet away through a finished basement and garage.

There are access panels and I believe a chase between celing joist and floor above but not 100% sure yet.

Has anyone run this 1/0 through ceilings?

Should I dump into the garage and just run it exposed along the corner of ceiling? Maybe owner can box it out afterwards.

Job is being filed.
I've used it but was on new construction and I just stretched it across the attic. I did use some outside from front of house to rear. I ran it through the soffit.
If you have some sort of gap to fish in a straight line, no problem. It really becomes a bear if you need to travel perpendicular to the joists through a series of holes especially with limited access. Working it around corners can be tough as well.

Rob G, Seattle
Usually give the customer a choice to choose cost one way or the other with the amount of "IF" complications "maybe" run into either way and possible increased costs. Usually they will pay more for less damage to finishes.
Thanks y'all. The other option would be to run 6 circuits from new laundry into the garage but figured a SP is best.

Is that a doorway you need to negotiate?
Thats gonna be the biggest challenge. not sure how I'll get past that. Can I drill through the header? I'm gonna have to make some big cuts in the ceiling.
The two access panels in the pic suggest that a pathway has already been established.
Thats what Im thinking but that door on the left goes to the utility room. Tight in there. Maybe it makes a turn in there. I wont know until probably next month. I'll keep you guys posted for those curious. Actually, going there this week to sign papers so maybe I'll take a poke
I recently picked up an inspection camera tool. I have a 4 foot but it can come with a 16 foot bendable wand thing. It has a camera on the tip and 2 on the sides. It takes like a 1/4" hole. It makes very clear pictures and video. It cost about 100 dollars.
I recently picked up an inspection camera tool. I have a 4 foot but it can come with a 16 foot bendable wand thing. It has a camera on the tip and 2 on the sides. It takes like a 1/4" hole. It makes very clear pictures and video. It cost about 100 dollars.
Been looking at one that mounts with fish sticks and Bluetooth connects to the phone.
Took down one of those access panels... Nope, not helpful. Haha. So I'll have to make new access


When I replaced the bathroom fan I was able to get a better look up there. Looks good to run that 1/0 across to the garage. (y)

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