RV Park

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joel hall

Hope you all can help!
Have you did a RV Park?
check my calculations
1.Vehicale site = 30each,30amp and 20 amp gfci 120 volt supply facilities
table 551.73, 3600va per site x 42% =1512 x30 =45360 into 240 =189 amps per leg
I am going to install a 400 amp service,a little over kill but they might put a few more in later
2.on the disconects at each i am useing ones made by milbanks,with feed through lugs, 6 Hook-ups on same circuit 100 amp bkr,#2 THHW wire

any other tips? J.H.
Re: RV Park

Ithink you had better take a closer look at 551.73. According to the way I read it indicates if you have for instance 30 site then 5% of those or1.5 rounded up to 2 need to be 50 amp sites. 70% need to be 20 amp sites or 21 and the rest could be 15. Lets say you have 2 at 50 and the rest at 20 28 x 3600 is 100800 plus the 19200 for the 50 amp sites is 120000x42% results in 67200 div. by 240 is 280 amps if my math is correct
does that make sense?
Re: RV Park

sorry i messed totallt up on my first reply both in the math and the remark about 70% being 20 when in fact it is 70% min at 30 and the the?50s and in fact all of the rest can be 30 with no 20 amp required.
Re: RV Park

sorry i messed totallt up on my first reply both in the math and the remark about 70% being 20 when in fact it is 70% min at 30 and the the?50s and in fact all of the rest can be 30 with no 20 amp required.
Re: RV Park

Well even with 2- 50 amp hook-ups,each outside hook-up 30 amp and 50 ,must also have a 120 volt GFCI outlet to serve outside the RV.Milbanks makes a pedestal for rv's with 50 amp and 30 amp with a gfci recpt combo.551.71 states a minimum of 70% must be 30 amp,125-volt
could it not be 90%? 400 amp distribution supply should be ok i think

Thanks for your thoughts and advice

Re: RV Park

In your case it could be 28 of the 30. The code says a minimum of them must be 30 but does not say it cant be more than 70% as long as the 50 amp requirement is met is how I read it
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