Safe Solar/Wind Generation Connections

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Senior Member
I have had several people ask me about Solar/Wind generation and the connection to their service. (There have been a few similar discussions hereon MH as well). Seems to me, that the technology is driving folks to want to try it. Now, I'm now fan of giving DIYers a rope to which they may hang themselves, but I would like to learn more about these new technologies and how make make proper connections to listed/labeled equipment. Anyone know a good recourse?


Staff member
I have been a bit involved in PV for about 2 years now and here is my take on it.

Pay attention to who you are listening to. The PV industry is in it's infancy and it's the wild wild west, everyone and anyone is marketing something to do with PV equipment. Try to get your info from unbiased sources. I went to an inverter 'seminar' that was not much more than a sales pitch for a certain inverter. The engineers that designed the product where speaking and while the product seems like a good one as far as efficiency and durability any electrician would realize these folks have never designed equipment for NEC applications before.

If you really plan to sell this stuff you must learn how to get all the Govt money / credits etc you can into the deal, it's the only way the payback is remotely appealing to the customer. Without rebates your often looking at 20 to 25 years for 'payback' but by that time the inverter will probably have been replaced so that payback may be delayed.

Rough estimate is about $8 per watt installed before rebates and credits. 25KW is about $200K.
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