
Puckdrop 31

new jersey
retired electrician
Who ever can answer. Tia

1. How is electrical work inspected in Texas?
I was at a friend's home who was having a inground pool lnstalled. Did not see any inspection notices attached to electric panel.
After work was completed the equipotenial bonding at the pump was left on the ground unconnected.
2. Purchased a new built home in 2021 and SPD was not part of the electrical. Any'idea why ?
Can't answer as to why the EPB was left unconnected, but would guess the electrician left it there for the pool people to connect because the pump wasn't there when he did his work. Still should have been caught on final.

As to the SPD, it depends on what code cycle Texas was on when the permit was purchased. We are 6 years behind on the code where I'm at. Texas may have been behind at the time as well.