Same inspector

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This one may just be a product of me being on HIS ISLAND!!! We have a beautiful conditioned spa room in our most recent project. Sunken in the center of the room is an 8 person hot tub. A three and a half foot walkway surrounds the spa, and on the exterior wall are convienience outlets with GFI protection. This passed through review with no corrections, however on the rough inspection, the five foot rule was called in. Given that it is a tub, he told us to eliminate all eight of the outlets. I understand there is code language that supports this?? However, is there really a difference between that GFI next to my lav or the GFI protected can light in my shower????


Staff member
Retired Electrician
Re: Same inspector

Why doesn't your EC know these things?



Re: Same inspector

That is indeed a relevant question, however when I send an approved drawing to my EC from the local municipality, are we not to assume that it can be constructed as such? By the way, can you tell me what the difference is between the lav outlet and the can etc? My quest is for knowledge and understanding, so I don't have to rely on my EC. By the way, thanks for the response,


Senior Member
North Carolina
Re: Same inspector

There is a very obvious difference in the description you gave of this tub and a sink. I have never seen a sink that would hold eight people, have you?

[ September 16, 2005, 11:19 PM: Message edited by: jwelectric ]


Staff member
Retired Electrician
Re: Same inspector

Think of it this way, if plan review missed a deadly situation would you want or allow it in your home simply because they didn't catch it?

I know in many cases plan review is just a formality that really doesn't do anything but slow down the permitting process, but when done right it can work to benefit all parties.

Even those who are trying there best in this process can and do make mistakes, after all they are human too.

As far as the difference between a lavatory receptacle and receptacles at a pool or spa, you most likely won't be drinking cocktails while sitting in the sink. :D

The shower fixture doesn't have to be GFCI protected unless the manufacturers instructions in their listing or labeling call for it to be.



Senior Member
North Carolina
Re: Same inspector

Sorry Roger you posted my thoughts will I was pecking on these keys.
:) It does make my heart happy to see I was having the same though as you. :)


Staff member
Re: Same inspector

RRud, as much as we would all like plan review to catch it all it doesn't and as Roger pointed out a code violation can not be ignored once it is found.

I think you do raise some good questions about the differences between the GFCI protected outlet I am allowed to place right next to a shower/tub in the bathroom and a hot tub.

I don't think there is a black and white answer.

In average bathrooms having a 5' rule would be difficult to achieve. But at the same time I think we all agree a bathroom needs a safe way to use power by the sink, hair dryers, shavers etc.

A hot tub is a different situation, what electrical appliances do you think people would be uneducated enough to place at the edge and use while sitting in the tub.

TV for the Game?

Blender for the Margaritas?

Getting an outlet at least 5' away in a hot tub area is usually not that hard.

In my opinion if the owners can afford an 8 person hot tub they can afford code compliant wiring. If your EC messed up have him fix it.


Re: Same inspector

Originally posted by roger:

As far as the difference between a lavatory receptacle and receptacles at a pool or spa, you most likely won't be drinking cocktails while sitting in the sink. :D

I'd like to be a fly on the wall at that party :eek: !!
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