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Wiring SAUNA, with a 30 AMPS 220 volts circuit, does it required to be a GFCI protected circuit? SAUNA deck get wet, 220 volts electric sauna heater metal cover can be touched, sauna light fixture with metal cover is accesible to be touched. I can not find specific ruling to safely and properly wire SAUNAS. Appreciate any input.

Dennis Alwon

Staff member
Chapel Hill, NC
Retired Electrical Contractor
I believe you have to look at the manufacturers specs for that info. Last one I did was a few years ago and I don't believe it had to be GFCI.


Senior Member
That's what I was thinking Dennis.
I looked at one or two sites, but they didn't seem to have any install pdf's to browse.

Every time I have to wire a bathroom with tiled bathroom, and accessible (meaning even a child can reach the metal part of the lighting fixture), I always protect the light circuit with GFCI. I did this because the bathroom can be defined as damp area after its use. Am I over protective? When I was a child, I get a good shock touching a metal part of the lighting fixture in our front door everytime it rains. Parralleling a damp situation inside the SAUNA, I can feel the same could happen as stated above. SHOCK - SHOCK- SHOCK.

charlie b

Staff member
Lockport, IL
Semi-Retired Electrical Engineer
rogermendaros said:
Wiring SAUNA, with a 30 AMPS 220 volts circuit, does it required to be a GFCI protected circuit?
Speaking without my code book handy, I am inclined to say that GFCI requirements apply only to components rated at 125 volts, or to components for which the manufacturer calls for GFCI protection. So the answer to your question is no.

A different question would be, "Would it be a good design choice to install GFCI protection"? My answer to that would be that it would not make things worse, and that it might (I won't say that it will) make things safer. So perhaps it would be a good design choice.

Another different question would be, "Would it be a good economical choice to install GFCI protection" (i.e., is it worth the extra cost)? On that question, I have no opinion to offer.


Senior Member
I thought saunas were a dry heat. Some may confuse sauna with steam room, they're not the same. Although part of taking a sauna involves pouring water on the heat source to generate steam, it's not done to create a steamy enviroment - it's done to bring the humidity to a comfortable level such that breathing the very dry air doesn't cause immediate nosebleeds.

My customer told me a scenario from his other house. He said that his favorite grandchild always join him inside his SAUNA. His grandkid is really very smart because he brings a bucket full of water inside the SAUNA everytime his grandpa gets there to relax. The grandpa can handle the heat but not a child, so when the kid gets overheated, he used a bucket full of water to cool his body and it goes on until the grandpa retire from the SAUNA. The SAUNA actually becomes a shower room. GFCI or no GFCI? I am having fun friends but we can learn from what my customer told me.


Senior Member
You can only protect person using a product as intended...once they venture outside of the intended use, anyone's guess is what the consequences will be.

Should ALL recept.s be tamperproof because kids stick metal objects in them?
....BEFORE you answer, give this thread an eyeball or two:
child proof recepts being required!?

charlie b

Staff member
Lockport, IL
Semi-Retired Electrical Engineer
rogermendaros said:
GFCI or no GFCI?
Please put that question into a complete sentence.

Did you mean, "Does the NEC require a GFCI, or does the NEC not require a GFCI?" The answer to that question is "no."

Did you mean, "Would a GFCI be a good idea, even if the NEC does not require one?" My answer is "maybe."


Staff member
Simi Valley, CA
You got shocked from a light fixture everytime it rained? You would have thought that you would have figured that out after the first or second time. ; )
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