We all know that the SCCR of the panel depends on the lowest interrupting rating of the device installed inside the panel.
Suppose I have a standalone 600 amp(200kAIC) main feeding a panel with 20 amp (10kAIC), 40 amp (42kAIC) and 60 (75kAIC) amp branch breakers...
The 60 amp branch breaker series rate with the 600 amp main at 125kAIC
The 40 amp branch breaker series rate with the 600 amp main at 90kAIC
The 20 amp branch breaker series rate with the 600 amp main at 50kAIC
My question is:
Is the SCCR of the panel based on the lowest interrupting rating of the overcurrent device installed (10kAIC) or is it based on the lowest series rating (50kAIC)? In this example, what is the SCCR of the panel?
Suppose I have a standalone 600 amp(200kAIC) main feeding a panel with 20 amp (10kAIC), 40 amp (42kAIC) and 60 (75kAIC) amp branch breakers...
The 60 amp branch breaker series rate with the 600 amp main at 125kAIC
The 40 amp branch breaker series rate with the 600 amp main at 90kAIC
The 20 amp branch breaker series rate with the 600 amp main at 50kAIC
My question is:
Is the SCCR of the panel based on the lowest interrupting rating of the overcurrent device installed (10kAIC) or is it based on the lowest series rating (50kAIC)? In this example, what is the SCCR of the panel?