SCCR of panels

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Senior Member
We are paying attention to the SCCR (short circuit current rating) of equipment purchased by our clients as we design the power supply to these panels....such as Air Compressors, HVAC equipment, etc. We want to ensure that the panels are rated for the available short circuit curent from the power system where the client wants it installed. When we ask the vendor or OEM for the SCCR of their equipment, we either get a "deer in the headlights" response or they give us a value like 5kA for the rating. This equipment is being fed from 480 volts, so the available short circuit curernt is always greater than 5kA...this forces us to installed current limiting fuses to limit the current these panels will see during a fault. Is this normal for the industry? Are OEM's really unaware of this problem?
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