Schaum's Outline Series

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These were popular when I was at University, 1980.
I had one on numerical methods for managers and one on statistics.

Occasionally I need them but they're gone.
The Internet hasn't exactly lived up to it's promise for a reliable source of useful information.
I had a few, between senior year high school and college. The volume on differential equations was as opaque as my DE textbook. They are probably still kicking around here somewhere.
When I look at my class notes, in my own handwriting, I can scarcely believe I was ever able to solve those problems.
What took me 20 minutes with reasonable confidence is now a day with 50-50 confidence. :(
When I look at my class notes, in my own handwriting, I can scarcely believe I was ever able to solve those problems.
What took me 20 minutes with reasonable confidence is now a day with 50-50 confidence. :(
Ain't it the truth? I can't believe how smart the kid that I was appeared based on my notes. Whatever happened to him? 😭
Whatever happened to him? 😭
He is [and I am] being replaced, molecule by molecule. :(

Predict what will happen next and prepare.

We get junk mail from assisted living places.
They're like vultures circling overhead.
If they start calling our house, I will say bad things about their mothers. It may work, as long as I don't make a physical threat.
He is [and I am] being replaced, molecule by molecule. :(

Predict what will happen next and prepare.

We get junk mail from assisted living places.
They're like vultures circling overhead.
If they start calling our house, I will say bad things about their mothers. It may work, as long as I don't make a physical threat.
I'm turning 65 this year. Everyone and his brother is trying to sell me Medicare part B & D supplements and "donut hole" and "gap" plans.

The pre-planned funeral crowd have been sniffing around for years. I wonder if they know something I don't? :eek:
I had a professor (nice guy in other aspects) who lectured out of Schaum's Electronic Circuits book. The class was also at 8AM. I decided I didn't need that and sent my assignments in with my roommate and only showed up for the exams. What I hadn't banked on was that the professor knew who I was (small school) and noticed when he wanted to hand back my assignments that I wasn't ever there. I got a whole stack of papers when I showed up for the midterms.
I found a term paper from my 1985 BS degree program (typed). I am not sure I wrote it, no typos, very well written. but thats all I did, like bending conduit you get better if you do it all the time
The pre-planned funeral crowd have been sniffing around for years. I wonder if they know something I don't? :eek:
There is a program called APACHE II which predicts if a person will walk out of the hospital or be carried out.

For non-patients there’s no shortage of data. Don’t give up your DNA to anyone.

I can tell you to 50% likelihood that you will live longer than 12 years and all I need is your age, a mortality table and a pencil and paper.

As to molecules, look up "the ship of Theseus"
We are mutating into some other person. . .:(
Found a paper copy of a life table from 2014 from National Vital Statistics Report, Vol. 66, No. 4, August 14, 2017.
Your tax dollars at work. I probably got this with a phone call. I think they were surprised to hear from a commoner like me.

For non-hispanic, white, U.S. resident, 65 YO male, it’s 50% they live to be 85.

For that same 65 YO, a 10% chance to live to 96 and a 10% chance to die within 7 years.

The devil is in the details.

I am not an actuary, nor do I play one on TV. :D
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