S sigshane Member Location Elberton, GA USA Aug 29, 2013 #1 Hello all. I am working through a schematic diagram of our line protection, and am stumped on one of the symbols there. The symbol is this: Thanks in advance! Shane
Hello all. I am working through a schematic diagram of our line protection, and am stumped on one of the symbols there. The symbol is this: Thanks in advance! Shane
J jim dungar Moderator Staff member Location Wisconsin Occupation PE (Retired) - Power Systems Aug 29, 2013 #2 Without context, I think it looks like an air-gap style arrestor.
JoeStillman Senior Member Location West Chester, PA Aug 29, 2013 #3 If I saw that on a plan, I would think it was a busduct rising from left to right.
S sigshane Member Location Elberton, GA USA Aug 29, 2013 #4 Well with the particular circuit application in mind, I would suspect the air-gap answer. However, we found that on a more recent drawing, it is shown as a capacitor. I also read somewhere "spark-gap". Thanks for the input guys. Shane
Well with the particular circuit application in mind, I would suspect the air-gap answer. However, we found that on a more recent drawing, it is shown as a capacitor. I also read somewhere "spark-gap". Thanks for the input guys. Shane
mgookin Senior Member Location Fort Myers, FL Occupation Retired inspector, plans examiner & building official Aug 29, 2013 #6 When in doubt ask the author. They'll learn to start using a legend for odd symbols. Otherwise they'll continue to produce work nobody understands.
When in doubt ask the author. They'll learn to start using a legend for odd symbols. Otherwise they'll continue to produce work nobody understands.
dereckbc Moderator Staff member Location Plano, TX Aug 30, 2013 #7 Well what I do know is [ = Permanent Magnet and | = Iron Core