SE cable entrance

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According to the NEC, the thickness of the wall. Most local authorities have their own allowance, which can also be affected by whether it's an existing location.
In residential, how far can I go with the SE cable once it enters the house before I have to put disco or panel?

230.70(A) (1) NEC 2017
Readily accessible location.
The service disconnecting means shall be installed at a readily accessible location either outside of a building or structure or inside nearest the point of entrance of the service conductors.

That being said around here we can go 6 ft inside. YMMV
There used to be a "10' Rule" but don't ask me who or where that came from.
I would follow the code language unless the AHJ has given you some guidelines different

More than likely, that came from a certain jurisdiction. You would be hard pressed to find two that are the same. Here, it varies from inspector to inspector and even then depends on the surroundings. Some will allow up to 5' and others longer if in conduit or in an inaccessible area. It just depends!
In NJ I think that most inspectors just eyeball it. If you come straight in it will usually pass without a problem. If you enter in the corner and then run 10' to the panel in the center of the wall you will most likely get a red sticker. If you have no choice but to run for some distance on the inside then you can always run a conduit and encase it in concrete.
Or use an outside main breaker, SER cable, and a M/L panel. Then, you're effectively unlimited.

Your safest bet is to ask the inspector to visit the site and look at it with you. Treat him/her like an ally, not an adversary.
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