When the conduit enters up the canopy column does it need a seal off? This is wiring for lights which are above 20'. I've seen some new stations and there are no access panels.
When the conduit enters up the canopy column does it need a seal off? This is wiring for lights which are above 20'. I've seen some new stations and there are no access panels.
This will depend (marginally) on which Edition of the NEC you are using. Before 2005, what is now NEC Figure 514.3 reflected the NFPA 30A Tech Committee's opinion that below grade was classified to some degree. CMP14 didn't agree but left it for alone unity's sake.
Since 2005, both NEC CMP14 and the NFPA 30A TC agree that only the below grade pit is classified (Division 1) and the rest of the underground is typically unclassified. However, Section 514.8 still treats any part of the underground below a classified location as "sorta" classified and requires sealing at an imaginary boundary. Where/how the canopy raceways are routed and stubbed up will determine the sealing requirements.
Some inspectors would let me put a sealoff on top of the canopy if the conduits were installed in the columns at the manufacturing plant (that was in VA). In NC, the inspection authority usually required the canopy manufacturer to cut access plates into the columns.
Watch out for the 360 degrees of conduit bend limitation.