Seal offs used in unclassified area

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New member
When a seal off is used in a unclassified area, just for condensation removal before entering a building , is the 25% fill still enforced even though not being poured with Chico but is being packed with duct seal?
Strange but this is a standard at a facility we are working in.
What a great question!

Assuming you are using a "standard" sealing fitting, for exposionproof purposes or not, it is limited to the 25% fill of the raceway it is nominally designed for. Technically, this is a UL rather than a direct NEC issue but it isn't even documented in the UL White Book. The White Book only says, "The maximum number and size of conductors that may be installed within the sealing fitting are stated in the manufacturer’s installation instructions provided with each fitting." This makes it enforceable under Section 110.3(B) issue.

UL has never acknowledged this openly, it's buried in the UL product standard ANSI/UL 1203.
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