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blue spark

Senior Member

It fits in a single gang box and is either xenon or LED. I'm pretty sure it's LED. I found it once and now I can't. The HO wants it bad. Any help is greatly appreciated.
How much area do those cover? Somebody mentioned a hallway, so I'm wondering if you need to put them every X number of feet to sufficiently light a lengthy corridor. Is one bright enough to light up a 8X4 space?
No problem.

Permlight used to have all of their prices listed, but I see they've changed that.

I do have issues with their LED recessed trims, and their LED cove light modules.

The recessed trims do not cover the can hole very well. There is basically no room for drywall error, and that is almost non-existent.

The LED cove modules snap into a bayonette style Seagull Ambiance base and are 12v DC!
You have to use their inverter. Which isn't a problem, but they have a multi channel inverter that pulses when the switch is turned off.
The lights blink (pulse) 11 times before the power is dissipated.

If you need any more info on them let me know.

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