Second Building fed off building with Service

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Senior Member
Boston, MA
I?m doing a small pump building which is fed from another building. The service is to the other building. Our building is therefore a feeder off that system.

As this is true, I?m not going to bond the neutral to ground at the main disconnect in my new building. I do however plan to come off the ground at the main breaker to my new building to a tripod grounding arrangement.

My question is this, would this be facilitated by my specifying a UL listed Service rated breaker disconnect? Does that give me a neutral and a ground bus which would facilitate what I?m looking to do even though I do not intend to bond the two together.


I am not sure what voltage we are talking about here but most 120/240 panels will not give you a ground and a neutral bar per se. Some have two bars connected together with a bar strap. You remove the strap and bond one for the equipment grounding conductor and use the other bar for the neutral.

Also 225.36 requires the disconnect to be suitable for service equipment. Exception is there for a residence and I believe this will change in 2014. I hope I answered the question. LOL
Unless the panel has the dual bar with the removable strap, you will have to specify that an equipment grounding bus is provided. That is an optional accessory item for most panels.
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