On a 240/120V 3-wire service, If I have my service drop, meter, ground electrode and main breaker, main bonding jumper at the edge of the property, and I have a 4-wire underground feeder to the main panel of the house that is located 90 feet away, do I need another ground electrode on this main panel (only panel really) at the panel's location inside the house? Or is my grounding conductor enough system grounding for this service. Assuming a 150amp panel.
If I have the same situation but instead of an underground feeder, I use a triplex-cable, do I need the second ground electrode installed at the panels location inside the house? Am I allowed to do this or do I need to take a quadruplex cable?
Is this considered a Separately derived system?
Best regards and thanks,
Carlos Avila
On a 240/120V 3-wire service, If I have my service drop, meter, ground electrode and main breaker, main bonding jumper at the edge of the property, and I have a 4-wire underground feeder to the main panel of the house that is located 90 feet away, do I need another ground electrode on this main panel (only panel really) at the panel's location inside the house? Or is my grounding conductor enough system grounding for this service. Assuming a 150amp panel.
If I have the same situation but instead of an underground feeder, I use a triplex-cable, do I need the second ground electrode installed at the panels location inside the house? Am I allowed to do this or do I need to take a quadruplex cable?
Is this considered a Separately derived system?
Best regards and thanks,
Carlos Avila