Secondary ground to neutral on client side tap at AC disconnect.

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Cincinnati, OH
I do solar. I also do inspection. My question is this: on a Client Side Tap (240vac, L1, L2, N) that runs to an exterior solar AC disconnect for the backfeed, is it legit to connect the NEUTRAL at the disconnect to a ground rod??? I have one electrical installer who insists that it is correct, but my concern is that the solar equipment that contains Ground Fault detection may be compromised. I'm not even sure where to start looking for this in the Code book. I understand the basics of EGC setup, but this just doesn't "feel" right. Can anyone educate me??? All the other installers I know connect the GROUND BUSS of the AC disconnect to the ground electrode.
What is a 'client side tap'? Is that load side of the service disconnecting means?

If it is load side of the service disconnect, it just gets an EGC like any other AC circuit.

If it's supply side, that could be a bit different but too complicated to go into if that's not your situation.

If you're on a recent code there is no requirement for a new ground rod, period. Also inverter ground fault detection has essentially nothing to do with electrodes.
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