Seen something new the other day, any thoughts

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Baltimore MD
Was at an house, and the home owner showed me this.

plugged a little heater in to a receptacle, and then when you turn the bathroom light on the smoke detector in the hallway goes off, but not the others. seems isolated to the 1 circuit. which appears to be 1 bed room,bath room lts, hallway lts, and smokes.

first thing i checked was the receptacles which were stabbed so I un stabbed them, then checked the smoke wiring seemed ok,, so I disconnected the red wire and no more smoke going off, when I checked for voltage on the red/yellow wire no power, I am going to try and swap out the smoke they are 1993 model
the detectors are not interconnected, at least not properly.

This doesnt happen when there is no load on the receptacle? what about a lighter load, like a 60W table lamp?

I would pull the switch cover then light fixture to see where the other end of that red wire is. I third the stray voltage idea.
Different Sources?

Different Sources?

It sounds like the smoke alarm is being powered from a different circuit than the remaining smoke alarms. Could this be the issue?
not sure about voltage, and the home owner stated that it would chirp when a vacuum was plugged in, when get to go back I want to check the other smokes
not sure about voltage, and the home owner stated that it would chirp when a vacuum was plugged in, when get to go back I want to check the other smokes

Bleeding to ground. You have a loose connection somewhere. It chirps because it things te battery is dead.
Regardless of any other issues you should change them all out since they're probably expired. Even hardwired smokes go bad, usually they're dated for 10 years, you're going on 22.


Smoke detectors are the only real insurance you can buy. They protect your life.

Homeowner's insurance only protects your bank.
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