Seimans Simatic Step 7

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Seimans Simatic Step 7 anyone experienced in using this system ? What's it like compared to AB Micro Logix ?

Is this only Function Block, or Ladder Logic also ?

What's the learning curve ?

Any help appreciated
Seimans Simatic Step 7 anyone experienced in using this system ? What's it like compared to AB Micro Logix ?

As a Controls and Instrumentation Engineer, I have been using PLC's for over 30 years. You will find that Siemens and AB share the basic traits of PLC, however the programming and debug are totally different. Of the many brands GE, AB, Modicon, ISSC, Toshiba, TI, ... (over 15) of PLC's I have used, only for Siemens did I need formal training.

Is this only Function Block, or Ladder Logic also ?

Siemens does Ladder, Function block, Statement list.

What's the learning curve ?

High, very high if you are doing the programming. Hardware design is somewhat more difficult than AB. There are many non-intuative, non-obvious things about programming and debug. When I estimate the time needed for a project where the customer wants Siemens , I add 50% more programming and startup time.

Having a good relationship with the local distributors engineering support along with Siemens factory support (which is free and very good) is needed.

If you are only involved in trouble shooting, you should be able to get by with a few hours training and be able to poke about in the ladder logic.

Any help appreciated

Jump to the PLCS.Net forum for additional info or questions.

PS. Oh, I'm referring to the 300 and 400 series of hardware. The 200 series (bricks) are entirely different and are close to the AB Micrologic for programming (ladder logic only I think). The 200's use a completely different 'Step 7' programming package.
Much Thanks

Much Thanks

Much Thanks ! You answered a lot of my questions right there.

I would be using it only for troubleshooting I bet. It's for a conveyor system at an airport. Sounds overly complicated, and I wonder how they expect field electricians, to be able to tweak it when necessary. It's a new system, and even the guy looking to hire me, isn't familiar with it.

If it is programmed using Function Block, can I view it in Ladder ?

Yes I do go to PLC'S.Net
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If it is programmed using Function Block, can I view it in Ladder ?

Ladder my be viewed as IL (Instruction List). You do have the ability to make your own Function Blocks / Function Calls, which are like AB AOI (Add On Instructions) for CLX (ControLogix) The FB/FC's can be made in Ladder or IL.

But to program in pure Function Block Diagram (FBD) is something I have not done in Step 7. Take a look at for downloading some trial / lite version software.
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