Seismic Requirements

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For you west coast guys, Are seismic requirements normal? Is there something unusual about this stuff. What is the cost varience for this stuff compared to non seismic. We are talking about a 600a 3p SQD MH breaker and a 3p600A 600v fusible disco. These are required in an Asheville NC city bldg. Any help would be great.
The equipment is no different, it is simply the way it is mounted. Usually j-bolts in the footing and upper supports to the wall if it's a standup. Nothing really special if it's mounted to the wall.
Hey thanks for the speedy reply. Is there a cost diff between these things.IF so by a factor of what. These pieces of equipment are wall mounted on an existing bldg. Bo footing access
Nope, like I said the equipment is the same. The only difference is how you mount it and that's really not a NEC issue, it's mentioned in the IBC, something along the lines that equipment shall be installed to withstand any siesmic forces.

It is usually engineered, though it's not really required to be.

If you have to run conduit on a ' trappezze ' you need to do a lot of extra

bracing, that can add up quickly in the $$$$ department.
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