Self Grounding

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Is "self grounding" a well defined feature? Will my inspector automatically accept what it means? I am installing outlets & switches in a garage with steel boxes, leaving off the pig tails would be nice. But I cannot find a clear definitive document that states a "self grounding" fixture does not need the pigtail. The install instructions do not mention it. I even called Leviton tech support, he referred to several documents that I already saw, they all mention "self grounding" in a vague general way but none come right out and definitively say that no pigtail is needed. Just worried the inspector may want to see proof. Thanks.
I moved this post to a thread of its own. And then I will close this thread in accordance with forum rules. This forum is intended for use by electricians and electrical contractors, inspectors, engineers, and vendors with their job-related duties. We are not allowed to provide how-to advice to persons who are not employed in this industry, or persons who do not perform electrical installation or maintenance as part of their jobs.
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