separate branch circuit for elevator pit lighting and re

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NEC 620.24(A) says that "A separate branch circuit shall supply the hoistway pit lighting and receptacles. Required lighting shall not be connected to the load side of a ground-fault circuit interrupter."

In our office, three electrical engineers have the each differenct interpretations.
Those are following.

A)Elevator pit lighting circuit is independent. so don't connect to any other lightings installed at near space out of pit. Elevator pit receptacles circuit is likewise. In addition to that, don't connect also between pit lighting and receptacle.

B)Elevator pit lighting doesn't need dedicated circuit. It can be connected to any other lightings at near space out of pit. However it shall not be connected to receptacles in elevator pit. Receptacles in pit are likewise.

C)Elevator pit lighting and receptacles are included in one circuit. No other lighting and receptacles of outside of pit excluded for that pit circuit.

What do you think which one is right?
I'll expect your considerable insight. Would you enlighten me on this question? Thank you all for your sincere opinion in ahead.
Re: separate branch circuit for elevator pit lighting and re

IMO "C" is correct however we often provide "A"

I think "B" is way off.

620.24 Branch Circuit for Hoistway Pit Lighting and Receptacle(s).

(A) Separate Branch Circuit. A separate branch circuit shall supply the hoistway pit lighting and receptacle(s).

Required lighting shall not be connected to the load side of a ground-fault circuit interrupter.
The fact that the section is worded;

'A separate branch circuit shall supply'


'Separate branch circuits shall supply'

Makes it clear one circuit may supply both lighting and power in the elevator pit.

Keep in mind I am better with wires than language. :p


[ February 16, 2006, 06:35 AM: Message edited by: iwire ]
Re: separate branch circuit for elevator pit lighting and re

also the code is asking that the lighting "not" be connected to the load side of the gfic device. why? because they don't want the lights tripping due to water or moisture which is common in elevator pits.
Re: separate branch circuit for elevator pit lighting and re

I vote "C". That's the way we always do it and never have been cited either by electrical or elevator inspectors.
Re: separate branch circuit for elevator pit lighting and re

620.24 Branch Circuit for Hoistway Pit Lighting and Receptacle(s).

(A) Separate Branch Circuit. A separate branch circuit shall supply the hoistway pit lighting and receptacle(s).

Required lighting shall not be connected to the load side of a ground-fault circuit interrupter.

I vote for C also; however does the wording prohibit you from continuing circuit beyond the pit. To me this is only an inference. If code doesn't prohibit it, it is allowed.
Re: separate branch circuit for elevator pit lighting and re

Another vote for C. That always seems to satisfy the elevator installers.

Re: separate branch circuit for elevator pit lighting and re

Yep, "C" here too, and our state elevator inspectors (D.O.L.) agree and enforce it this way also.

Re: separate branch circuit for elevator pit lighting and re

None of the three is a complete description. "C" comes close, but you need to add one requirement. "C" correctly says that the lights and the GFCI receptacle can be on the same circuit. The thing missed by "C" is that the lights cannot be on the load side of the GFCI device.
Re: separate branch circuit for elevator pit lighting and re

I agree with Charlie, et al., choice C. Just keep the lights on the line side of the GFCI.
Re: separate branch circuit for elevator pit lighting and re

I agree with the guys who say "C". I checked against the elevator code ASME 17.1, the inspectors guide for 17.1, and the Handbook. None of them require separate circuits to the lighting and the receptacle, but clearly the NEC requires "a separate circuit for lighting and receptacle" which is consistent with 17.1

Jim T
Re: separate branch circuit for elevator pit lighting and re

Originally posted by thinkgod:

C)Elevator pit lighting and receptacles are included in one circuit. No other lighting and receptacles of outside of pit excluded for that pit circuit.

Isn't that a double negative?
You mean: "No other lighting and receptacles outside of pit can be included" or "All other lighting and receptacles outside of pit must be excluded" don't you?

I vote for D the correctly reworded C
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