Separate conductor runs

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Al Pike

Honesdale, Pa
Pump guys fixing a 480v pump that blew up the VFD this weekend.I noticed that they ran 3, 2/0 conductors in 3 separate 3/4 liquidtite nonmetalic raceways to the threaded hubs on the well casing lid.One of these had a EGC in it.
I tried explaning 300.3 and brought the code book out for them to read but was informed that this is the way they have done this for years.I also tried to explain the slot that would need to be cut for eddie currents but they had no idea and were proceeding with the install.
Am I wrong with this or should I let the owner know before some one gets killed.It arc'd 2 phases before tripping the OCPD and the casing was not grounded.Ive never done this kind of install but Ive read that with exceptions you can. I just dont know enough about this method but I dont like it.
Thanks for the help.
I'm unaware of any exception that would allow this and, IMO, your concerns are warranted.
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