Separate feeders in a common raceways

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Senior Member
New York City
We have 2 - 200 amp serviceS switchs ( separete meters) inside the electric room in a large building one for each retail store .
We have to run both feeder to a common remote electric room .My boss wants to run both feeder in a 4" conduit ( same raceway) . Is this installation code compliant .In case that this is not a code violation can I run only 1 EGC based in the 200 amps OP and share it in a trought for both feeders?
You can run two feeders in the same raceway and you can use one EGC.

However when you run two feeders in on raceway you will have to increase the size of the conductors.
Are you saying the service switch for both separate tenant spaces are located in the same room? (say the service room)
Then from the same service room, AFTER the service disconnect of each separate tenant space you would like to install the feeders for each tenant space in the same raceway to a remote electric room?

Are there bonafide fire walls separating the two tenant spaces?
This is a large building with dwelling apartments and 2 retail stores on separate floors.
Personally I don't like the idea to use only one raceway but as long this is not a code violation I'm fine
Derating factors will be applied for the wire calculation.
Iwire actully now I don't see any safety problem only a hard job pulling 8 300 kcmil wires + 1 #6 in the same pipe because the run is 260 feets w/ a lot of bends and pull points.
I was confused if two separate feeder comming from diferent meter can share the same raceway , but you right ,as long the wire is proper protected with the right OP this installation can not be a problem.
One more thing .afther increase the wire for voltage drop will be no necesary make the derating of the wire because the ampere rating of the 300 kcmil will be correct for 200 amps
For a number of practical reasons* keeping the feeders seperate after the metering would be better IMO. If it were the same metering - I would see no problem other than possibly having to derate past the conductor size.

*practical reasons to keep them seperate
  1. ease of maintanence later
  2. changes and up-grades
  3. failure or fault
All of the above can be done without having to disturb the other tenent. And there may also be some local code or regulation.
Also be advised that if you are increasing the wire size for voltage drop, you also need to upsize the equipment ground proportionately. You you may need a #4 or #2 EGC.


I thought the EGC is based on the OP and have no adjustment for Voltage Drop! Can you point the code section that support that Please!
*practical reasons to keep them separate
  1. ease of maintenance later
  2. changes and up-grades
  3. failure or fault

All of the above can be done without having to disturb the other tenant.

On the other hand I could make good money doing after hours maintenance, changes or upgrades. :cool:

I agree with you .but not a code violations?

None are code violations and I don't think they should be. The code should worry about safety not future changes or upgrades.

For me the derating issue is enough for me to keep them separate.
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