came across a job today that has a transformer
feeding a disconnect that is feeding multi meter packs for a commercial building, between the transformer and 800 amp disconnect they ran grounded conductor & equipment ground, bonded together at both ends,and the electrode is connected at the transformer, the 800 amp disconnect is rated service equipment only and is factory bonded to the enclosure, in this situation would the electrode have to be at the disconnect and the bonding jumper be removed at the transformer and remove the equipment ground on the secondary side, because I do not think you can isolate the neutral between the disconnect & meter packs, to prevent parallel paths, these meters are not part of the main service to the building
feeding a disconnect that is feeding multi meter packs for a commercial building, between the transformer and 800 amp disconnect they ran grounded conductor & equipment ground, bonded together at both ends,and the electrode is connected at the transformer, the 800 amp disconnect is rated service equipment only and is factory bonded to the enclosure, in this situation would the electrode have to be at the disconnect and the bonding jumper be removed at the transformer and remove the equipment ground on the secondary side, because I do not think you can isolate the neutral between the disconnect & meter packs, to prevent parallel paths, these meters are not part of the main service to the building