separately metered branch circuits in shared conduit


New User
Tampa, FL
I am working on an existing office building that is being split in half to accommodated two tenants. A new a separate meter and panel is being installed. Does anyone know if the existing branch circuits that would be fed from a new separate meter need to be completely rerun because they currently share boxes and conduit with the original meter, or can separately metered branch circuits share conduits and junction boxes?
The National Electric Code does not require them to be separated. So unless you have a local rule that requires it, it is not necessary.

Funny enough, in another thread we are having a discussion about how San Francisco California would require them to be separated, by local code ammendment. But the NEC does not.

In general the NEC does not give a !#$^ about meters.
In the Chicago electrical code it would be prohibited to run circuits from separately metered services through the same raceways, but we can run them through common troughs and wireways.