Separation distance

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Paul Klein

New member
I have 6 2400v direct buried cables buried in sand at a depth of 30 inches below the ground surface. The cable is I/C, 750 KCMIL copper, EPR insulated, shielded, jacketed, 5 KV rated per ICEA S-16-516 and AEIC CS-87. The cable has been in place for 20 years.

I have a construction project ready to start and need to know if we can build a temporary construction road over the cables. We will have end loaders, dozers, hydraulic excavators, snow cats, etc. running above the cables.

I am going to install a board road using crane mats above the cables to minimize cutting into the ground surface, therefore, attempting to protect the cables.

My question is, is there a minimum required distance the 2400v cables need to be buried to support the traffic stated. If so, I need a reference. Keep in mind the traffic is temporary for this project, and the crane mats are 8 in. x 8 in. timbers fabricated in sections 20 feet wide by 4 feet long.

Contact me if there is any questions.
Take a look at table 300.50. I think your existing 30 inches is acceptable. Welcome to the forum.
Charlie's right and I'm assuming that the trench isn't too wide so you shouldn't have any problems with compation.

I didn't take note of where you're from, but will the rain affect the road in any way? The reason I ask is that on a job here during a big rain they buried a D9 all the way to the top of the tracks and then got an excavator stuck trying to pull the D9 out.
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