300.3(B) Conductors of the Same Circuit. All conductors of the same circuit and, where used, the grounded conductor and all equipment grounding conductors and bonding conductors shall be contained within the same raceway, auxiliary gutter, cable tray, cablebus assembly, trench, cable, or cord, unless otherwise permitted in accordance with 300.3(B)(1) through (B)(4).
I saw a thread on this one time but cant seem to find it, so I guess ill ask it again. When using USE direct burial cable is it code compliant to run the ground seperate or does it need to be part of the bundle. I believe 338.100 says I can
Look at 300.3(B)
If you are asking whether you can have 4 individual conductors in the same trench then yes you can.
What Jude is saying refers to whether or not your USE is of the single conductor type or a cable assembly, for instance, a triplex cable assembly that is manufacturered by twisting together.what do you mean by that cadpoint?
It's not a problem...What Jude is saying refers to whether or not your USE is of the single conductor type or a cable assembly, for instance, a triplex cable assembly that is manufacturered by twisting together.
Jude states that if it is a cable assembly then you cannot add an individual wire in the trench as an egc unless it meets the provisions of 250.130(C) or250.134(B).
I believe the wording supports what he says but I am not sure that was the intent. I cannot see why the ground wire running in the trench together with a triplex USE cable would be a problem.
Can anyone explain how this could be an issue. BTW- good catch Jude.
300.5 Underground Installations
(I) Conductors of the Same Circuit. All conductors of
the same circuit and, where used, the grounded conductor
and all equipment grounding conductors shall be installed
in the same raceway or cable or shall be installed in close
proximity in the same trench.
Thank you. It makes sense just didn't see it in writing.It's not a problem...