Service & branch conducors

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Senior Member
200 amp service conductors and the 15 amp brabch circuits share the same 24 X 24 junction box. I know this is illegal but I can't find the code artical.
I'm trying to explain to my apprentice why, but can't come up with the right words, can you explain why this is not exceptible.
That was my explanation, the 200 amps could energize a # 12 conductor and that wire and the equipment connected to that circuit could not handle that many amps.
To be clear, a 20 amp circuit can be in the same raceway or enclosure as 200 amp feeder.

The only rule is that service conductors cannot share a raceway with any other conductors.

They can however be in the same junction box which is what the question is about.
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I am with iwire on this one. 230.7 does not prohibit them sharing the same box. A typical installation that usually is a result of poor planning but not that uncommon is a multiple meter service fed from gutter above the meters. Then a service is added that requires an overhead feed, but the gutter is in the way. Go through the gutter.
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