Service cable in attic before meter/main

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Rental property owner had changed out the meter/main at one end of a duplex. Before the POCO would reconnected they said he would need a licensed electrician to pull a permit and have inspected. I get the call and was old it was a meter base change. What the heck, how bad could anyone screw up a meter base, go to look before giving a price.

What they have is the servie cable (type SE) connected at the weatherhead and then run about 50 ft through the attic before going down the outside wall to the meter/main. ( no overcurrent protection before the meter main). Origianl wiring probably 1950s.

We have discussed this a few times and many of us have come to the conclusion that this was never a legal install. In my opinion they will not grandfather.

To be fair to the owner I told him to call the inspector for a opinion/ruleing.

Anyone think this situation should be grandfathered?
Yeah man I've seen it, not too far from you in Athens, Georgia for example

And I think it seemed to be code violation in 1897? Someone who has just finished reading entire code for that year might confirm?
Yeah man I've seen it, not too far from you in Athens, Georgia for example

And I think it seemed to be code violation in 1897? Someone who has just finished reading entire code for that year might confirm?

I didn't even get around to telling the homeownere the real bad news. If/when they refuse to grandfather this installation and a new service is required the City of Marietta will require that it be underground and I think a new service will trigger a requirement to bring the smoke detectors up to code (hard wired).

It's a shame they can sell these homes to people without some sort of disclosure or a home inspection that catches this. It's very easy to spot.

Even worse news is the way he has the system temped up would be considered stealing power if the POCO guys see it because there is no meter and the meter socket is cheated out. They probably won't fine him but they do seem to make life difficult.
Yeah man I've seen it, not too far from you in Athens, Georgia for example

And I think it seemed to be code violation in 1897? Someone who has just finished reading entire code for that year might confirm?
Shouldn't have take that long to read, back then the NEC was just a "pamphlet" compared to recent years.;)
No, I don't think it should be grandfathered.

Absolutely not....line side faults can get REALLY ugly!

It really sounds like a conflict of interest when an electrician is telling an owner they are going to need to spend lots of money when they think the job is already complete.

The inspector in that area is a nice guy and will try to be helpfull with an explanation to the owner about what will be acceptable.
You never get to old to be surprised. I went by that house today just to see what modifications they were required to make.

They must have gotten a variance or been grandfathered because every thing was hooked up just as it was originally and the meter was back.

I wouldn't think it would be grandfathered or that a variance could be obtained but they must have been able to.

I'm surprised the POCO would hook it up because they often send their engineer out to check jobs like this even if the city inspector does give his approval.
Most POCO's only pay attention to what's coming out of the riser and the declared connected load regarding service rating. Unlikely they'd bother going into an attic for an inspection unless they suspect power theft. They depend on the building inspection. POCO's are usually not Code enforcers. But if I was the homeowner, I'd make sure my insurance company would still cover it. In writing!;)
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