He told me that you had to be a vendor to do business with that restaurant. I've heard some stories about how much info you need to give the corporation in order to submit an invoice.
I tried to charge what I thought the job was worth...many times it was a 10 minute visit on my way to something else. Let's say I charged $75 for my visit. The contractor paid me my $75 in cash and then billed them a couple hundred bucks.
Jay you are wasting your time doing things this way. Yes you will have to be a vendor to bill the corporate office. If you are doing the electrical work you are the vendor you just haven't bothered to set them up as an account.
You are going to need to know how to do this and after the first time it gets a lot easier. The first thing you do is call the corporate office for this restaurant chain and ask to speak to the accounts payable department. They will tell you everything you need to do to get set up as a vendor.
It may be as simple as sending them a copy of your license, insurance and tax information. All I have ever had to send is insurance and tax information I guess they just assume that my license is good because I couldn't get insurance without it. Open a commercial account at the bank and run all business transactions through this account and stop dealing with these little cash payments.
There are certain things that you will want to know. One thing is their pay schedule. If you submit an invoice then how long before you get paid. Then you will want to know just how much a restaurant manager can authorize without approval from the home office. This is often a limited amount or nothing at all. Next you will need to know if a purchase order number is needed before submitting an invoice. Some do and some don't . Make sure that you give each invoice an invoice number for tracking purposes. Make sure that you get the name and number of a contact person to deal with at accounts payable and then you can call up and deal with real people. Where is my money?
Once you are set up as a vendor they may want you to do service calls at businesses that you wouldn't even think this corporation even has anything to do with. They will never know about you unless you let them know you are out there. It's your license and your insurance so it should be your money and not a contractor with a cheap employee.