Service change

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New member
I am considering doing a service change on my house. The only problem is that the PG&E drop is about 20' away from my dog house which lies inside my stucco wall. My question is can you run a 2" I assume Rigid pipe on the inside of my garage up high, 90 out of my panel add 20' and 90 out the top of the roof to where I will be able to tie into PG&E?

I cant go undergound and I can't surface mount a panel under the drop because it will be mounted right in front of my house for the entire neighborhood to see!

Any help would be appreciated, I tried looking it up in the codebook but couldn't find it.

Welcome to the Forum.

I would ask for a combined meeting of the Electrical Inspector or your local AHJ, and the district engineer of the POCO.

There's two many variables to what you think or would like to do, verses what they will let you do!

Between the three of you, everyone will get on the same page!

Good Luck!
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