Service Disconnect ART 230.70

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Chesapeake Bay
I am unclear on Article 230.70 where it states "A Service disconnect shall provide means to disconnect ALL Service Entrance Conductors". Residential Mains don't open the Neutral, shouldn't this be considered a Service Conductor? Other parts of the code specify Ungrounded Conductors, but not 230.70. Is this designed to cover separately derived systems? If so how does it apply to a dwelling without a SD system. Any help is appreciated.

BTW, long time fan of Mr. Holt, new to the Forum.
It is a bit confusing.

230.74 helps

230.74 Simultaneous Opening of Poles. Each service disconnect shall simultaneously disconnect all ungrounded service conductors that it controls from the premises wiring system.

So only the ungrounded conductors need to open via the handle.

The neutral can be disconnected by removing the wire from the terminal. In other words you can't just decide to run the neutral straight through the service disconnect unsliced or unbroken.

In large service gear they provide an easily removable section of bus bar to disconnect the neutral.
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