250.142 Use of Grounded Circuit Conductor for
Grounding Equipment.
(B) Load-Side Equipment. Except as permitted in
250.30(A)(1) and 250.32(B) Exception, a grounded circuit
conductor shall not be used for grounding non?
current-carrying metal parts of equipment on the load
side of the service disconnecting means or on the load
side of a separately derived system disconnecting means
or the overcurrent devices for a separately derived system
not having a main disconnecting means.
Exception No. 1: The frames of ranges, wall-mounted ovens,
counter-mounted cooking units, and clothes dryers under
the conditions permitted for existing installations by
250.140 shall be permitted to be connected to the grounded
circuit conductor.
Exception No. 2: It shall be permissible to ground meter
enclosures by connection to the grounded circuit conductor
on the load side of the service disconnect where all of the
following conditions apply:
(1) No service ground-fault protection is installed.
(2) All meter enclosures are located immediately adjacent
to the service disconnecting means.
(3) The size of the grounded circuit conductor is not
smaller than the size specified in Table 250.122 for
equipment grounding conductors.
Exception No. 3: Direct-current systems shall be permitted
to be grounded on the load side of the disconnecting means
or overcurrent device in accordance with 250.164.
Exception No. 4: Electrode-type boilers operating at over
600 volts shall be grounded as required in 490.72(E)(1)
and 490.74.