Service Disconnect Location

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St. Louis, Missouri
I have an existing utility meter and CT Enclosure that I need to add a building service disconnect to. If the disconnect is mounted on the outside of the building is there a code restriction as to the maximum distance the disconnect must be installed.

Thank You
No maximum distance as long as the service conductors remain on the outside. The could run around the building and enter directly to the service disconnect on the inside too.
"add" may be a key word in your post. IF you already have service disconnects in/on the building, an additional one would normally be required to be grouped with the others. See 230.72
Yes - I would like to route the service conductors around the building to the back side. I wonder if I need to consult with the local
AHJ to be sure he is ok with it. Your thoughts?
(try again) Are there presently any service disconnects associated with the building ? If so, you need to group yours with them unless you meet an exception.
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