Service disconnect ?

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Just curious what year did they start to require service disconnect means at electric water heaters, or a/c condenser units?
I live in Florida, and was just curious since I see older homes say built in the 60's or 70's and the electric water heater will be installed in a utility closet and no means of disconnect are within sight.
Just curious what year did they start to require service disconnect means at electric water heaters, or a/c condenser units?
I live in Florida, and was just curious since I see older homes say built in the 60's or 70's and the electric water heater will be installed in a utility closet and no means of disconnect are within sight.

As has been mentioned the water heater could possibly have a lockable branch circuit device remote from the appliance.

Not sure how long requirements have been there though and could be different for the water heater then for the AC unit. I would guess the AC unit probably required a local disconnect back in the 60's but enforcement of that code may also not have been as good as it typically is today. I do know that when I started this trade I was using the 87 NEC and both were required to have local disconnecting means then. But code enforcement was just about non existent at dwellings around here back then and sometimes you saw the disconnect and sometimes you didn't.
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