Service Disonnect separate building

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Senior Member
Good morning,

Working on a project where we have a electrical room with a MDP which is equipped with several breakers that feeds smaller structures. Originally we had a 200A CB in the MDP feeding a 200A disconnect mounted on the exterior of one of the little structures which fed a 200A panel. Somehow the 200A disconnect forgot to get installed so I suggested that the 200A panel be provided with a MCB but the problem is that the panel is located in the center of the building. Im pretty positive this is compliant because the conductors already have their over current protection in the MDP but just wanted to make sure because the feeder travels a good 20 feet in the building. This seems like it would be confusing for the fire department so I was going to suggest a shunt trip as well.
Assuming the wires are underground under the building then it is compliant if the inside panel has a main or uses the 6 throw rule
225.32 Location. The disconnecting means shall be installed either inside or outside of the building or structure served or where the conductors pass through the building or structure. The disconnecting means shall be at a readily accessible location nearest the point of entrance of the conductors. For the purposes of this section, the requirements in 230.6 shall be utilized.
And if the conductors are under a great enough cover of concrete, they are officially still outside the building, making it easy to meet the "nearest the point of entrance" provision where they come up through the slab.

And if the conductors are under a great enough cover of concrete, they are officially still outside the building, making it easy to meet the "nearest the point of entrance" provision where they come up through the slab.


Seems like that is covered by the refrerance to 230.6.;)
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