Service Drip Loops

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we have standards from our power company also, but I have been told that it is a code requirement to have 3ft 6in out from the weather head for drip loop and make-up.:-?
we have standards from our power company also, but I have been told that it is a code requirement to have 3ft 6in out from the weather head for drip loop and make-up.:-?

I don't think there is such an NEC rule, 230.54(F) is as close as I can find.
The way 230.54(F) is written, there's no measurement given. As long as there's enough SE conductor provided to obtain a drip loop, you're golden.

(F) Drip Loops. Drip loops shall be formed on individual conductors. To prevent the entrance of moisture, service-entrance conductors shall be connected to the service-drop conductors either (1) below the level of the service head or (2) below the level of the termination of the service-entrance cable sheath.

Here, the POCO will run the wire from the meter up, assuming you have an attachment point. Experience has dictated though to always run the wire because you never know what you will end up with. I have also seen alot of "missing" drip loops compliments of the POCO.

Here, the POCO will run the wire from the meter up, assuming you have an attachment point. Experience has dictated though to always run the wire because you never know what you will end up with. I have also seen alot of "missing" drip loops compliments of the POCO.

After just taking 2- 2009 red book change courses My local poco will allow a very small drip loop if you are fighting to try to make height or clearance requirements and we are empowered to make the final termination with poco supplied and very nice I might add mechanical clamp splice boxes plastic covered. All you need is a 1/2" wrench with lots of plastic tape on it. If we make up the splice with thier connectors they dont have to send out a crew to reconnect. It is win-win for us.
I leave at least 2' but since I am usually doing the hookup - I leave it 2' so POCO doesnt cry when they come to crimp drop and seal meter. Our POCO states total drip loop can not be more than 3'.

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