Service drop at balcony

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Senior Member
We have a client that wants his service drop relocated. It currently goes up the front of the house, through the balcony floor, and up through the roof. He wants us to relocate it so that we come up the front of the house, through the balcony floor, then up the wall to just below the roof, 90 over to the left an then, instead of going up through the roof, to 90 back towards the street and do the weather head there. My concern is the clearance from the balcony. It is about 7 feet from where you stand on the balcony to where our conduit would be. I looked in the PG&E green book and also reviewed 230.24 and don't see this clearance mentioned. We could extend out conduit out away from the balcony, but I'm not sure how far that would need to be. I'm guessing 3 feet, but I'd like to make sure.

Without a picture or drawing I'm lost. :?


Can't you see what's in my head? I was worried about that. I tried to attach a pic but it said the pic was too big and I don't know how to make it smaller. I guess the real question is, if the service lands at the top of a balcony and that ceiling is only 7' high, how far away from the balcony do we need to extend the riser (vertically away from the balcony) ? I think the answer is 3 feet but I'd like a code section to back me up.
230.9 Clearances on Buildings. Service conductors and final
spans shall comply with 230.9(A), (B), and (C).
(A) Clearances. Service conductors installed as open conductors
or multiconductor cable without an overall outer jacket
shall have a clearance of not less than 900 mm (3 ft) from
windows that are designed to be opened, doors, porches, balconies,
ladders, stairs, fire escapes, or similar locations.
230.9 Clearances on Buildings. Service conductors and final
spans shall comply with 230.9(A), (B), and (C).
(A) Clearances. Service conductors installed as open conductors
or multiconductor cable without an overall outer jacket
shall have a clearance of not less than 900 mm (3 ft) from
windows that are designed to be opened, doors, porches, balconies,
ladders, stairs, fire escapes, or similar locations.

Well that would be exactly what I was looking for. Thanks!
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