I'm working on a duplex with 2 100a panels fed by a shared 1/0 AL service drop. I've been talking to the utility about a new service drop so I can upgrade one of those to 200a to accomodate an addition. I've got the load calcs done on the existing and the addition.
Long story short, the utility told me they're cool with 1/0 AL feeding up to 245 amps. I can't figure out where they got that from - even with 83% reduction at 90 degrees it's no where close to 245a. Am I missing something?
Long story short, the utility told me they're cool with 1/0 AL feeding up to 245 amps. I can't figure out where they got that from - even with 83% reduction at 90 degrees it's no where close to 245a. Am I missing something?