service entrance cable in hotel

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New member
I am bidding a hotel, and was wondering if type (se)service entrance cable would be acceptable to the NEC to use in lieu of conduit. The hotel is all wood, class V-b. It is 3 stories high, has no return air areas above ceilings. I would like to use se cable for the subpanels instead of conduit if the code would allow.
Kevin Ward
Vilas, NC


Senior Member
North Carolina
Re: service entrance cable in hotel

What major city are you close to?

Seems that I should know this town but I can't place it.

What does the job specs state?

I noticed you made mention that this was going to be above a ceiling.

338.10 (B) (4) Installation Methods for Branch Circuits and Feeders.
(a) Interior Installations. In addition to the provisions of this article, Type SE service-entrance cable used for interior wiring shall comply with the installation requirements of Parts I and II of Article 334, excluding 334.80.

334.12 (A) (2) Exposed in dropped or suspended ceilings in other than one- and two-family and multifamily dwellings

Here in lies a problem with using a SER cable to feed a sub panel.
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