Service Entrance conductors

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What is the maximum number of sets of service-entrance conductors that are permitted to be connected to a single service drop, the service drop is to a strip center with four occupancies.

I have read 230.2 a-e and I see that we can add extra services but I dont see a maximum number, so is it unlimited??
You have a single service drop supplying multiple sets of service entrance cables. See Exception #1 to 230.40.
What is the maximum number of sets of service-entrance conductors that are permitted to be connected to a single service drop, the service drop is to a strip center with four occupancies.

I have read 230.2 a-e and I see that we can add extra services but I dont see a maximum number, so is it unlimited??

The people who would care -- and decide -- all work for the power company. Ask them.
Its part of the IEC training to know this so there are probably thousands of people out there who do care.

I read your exception Don. reading this it looks like you can have upto six with no identification then anything from six onwards has to be clearly marked.
fmtjfw may be more correct than you give him credit. Because of the numerous exceptions in 230.40, it is possible to run sets of service conductors to multiple occupancies with up to six disconnect at each location. The limiting factor may be what POCO decides.
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