Service Entrance Mast

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Senior Member
Central NJ
I am bidding on a 200 amp service on an addition. The customer is not ready for the vinyl siding yet and I'd like to get this service done asap. I've never used rigid as a mast before and I have a few questions. I have the PSE&G book and I'm aware of the height requirements.

I bought meter mounts from Arlington, but I am not sure as to how to support the rigid. I'd like to install the new service before the siding goes up, but I'd like the siding contractor to be able to work around the supports.

The PSE&G book can be found here
See page 104.

Has anyone who has done this type of job lend me their expertise?

Will the RMC mast penetrate though the eve of the house? If so, no other support is usually required. If not, I usually use Uni-strut and strut straps, but any approved conduit strap is acceptable.

If RMC is not necessary, why not mount a support nob on the house and then use EMT for the mast?
Given the PoCo saying they want two supports, each with thru bolts into the wall studs, what about using something smaller than the meter block to put behind the conduit supports:

I have to say, the supports your PoCo is asking for in their diagram is more robust than any I've been required to provide for the PoCos I've known.

What makes you special? ;) :)
Yes, the RMC will penetrate the eve. It has to. I need to get the 12' clearance. I wanted to use unistrut, and figured that the siding contractor could remove the supports one at a time then re-install them. I was also surprised at PSE&G's requirements. I am asking for is how you would support the RMC to the house without the siding installed (keeping in mind that siding will be installed of course)


p.s. Al, that is the meter-mount I bought. MM18.
frank_n said:
p.s. Al, that is the meter-mount I bought. MM18.

The one I show is the MM10. . .just 7" by 10", a little small for a meterbase, in my experience.

I did a quick scan of Arlington for a smaller block, but put this up for the illustration. There's got to be something like a single luminaire mounting block. . . To stiffen it up for the thru bolts, fill the back of the block with a thickness of plywood.

The siding guys can butt up against the smaller blocks at the two supports, and the PoCo will be able to connect without fussing about missing supports.
Frank, we sometimes put unistrut just behind the meter so the siding will still go behind it to the middle. Mount the strut with toggle or lag bolts. Then if you want maybe use a mineralac clamp at the top although we usually just go through the roof 3' then put a mast attachment on top. Good Luck !
Minuteman said:
So, if you are going through the roof, why strap it? Or, why strap it before siding? Seems like you are making things harder on yourself.
Did you read the requirements that Frank posted that come from his PoCo?

Maybe your PoCo is different than mine? Mine will refuse to energize a service that isn't built the way they require us to build it in their rules.
Here in the SO CAL mountains we have to use 2"gal minimum and we use strut bolted to framing (2 per 10'). The siding guys have to work harder but we'll help them out if we are there. With the ice and wind load here a weaker support will fail in a tough winter.
Why does everyone always use 2" GRC? I know we do anyways but the code says it has to be able to support the load right? I have seen some contractors use 1 1/2" GRC and at first I thought it was not per code. Then I read that it had to able to support the wire attached. Any other thoughts on this?
In Florida, you must use 2 straps between the meter and the roof. The plywood roof decking is not a listed means of support for rigid metal conduit.
infinity said:
Around here the POCO requires a minimum size of 2" RMC.

Around here they don't really require the 2" GRC. They tell us however that the only mast attachments they have are 2". So if you wanted to supply the 1 1/2" mast attachment you can install 1 1/2" GRC.
infinity said:
Around here the POCO requires a minimum size of 2" RMC.

Around here they don't really require the 2" GRC. They tell us however that the only mast attachments they have are 2". So if you wanted to supply the 1 1/2" mast attachment you can install 1 1/2" GRC.
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