Service entrance Rated Loadcenter

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Albany, NY
What is a service entrance rated loadcenter?

If the available fault current at my POS is less than 10kA, can I consider any loadcenter with a MCB with 10kAIC rating as service entrance rated or loadcenter with MLO rated for 10kA with equal to 6 or less spaces as service entrance rated? Or is there any other factor qualifying it to be service entrance rated?
Most panelboards are suitable for service entrance and it will be written on the equip. if it is. There are some smaller panels that are not suitable for se.

Standard breakers are 10k aic rated so a standard panel and breakers will work if the available FC is 10K or less.

I am not sure what makes a panel suitable for service entrance other than having a MB or a means to retain a back-fed breaker along with a neutral bar that can be bonded to the can.
Just a minor tidbit of info: I asked our Poco about the rating of panels [the 10k aic issue] and they said 10K generally was OK for residential applications.

When not: for svcs 400A and over; and when a residence was within 100' of the transformer the 10k rating might not be those cases you should get the Poco to check their potential.
I have never even thought to check the aic rating for a residence. I have done many 400 amp services, a few 600 and one 1200 amp--- oops......
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