service entrance transfer switch with old premise wiring

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david h

We've been asked to put an outdoor generator at a commercial property. The existing service conductors, 800A, 2 sets of (4) 500's, runs from the utility transformer to the building below ground. The utility metering is at the transformer. The service bonding is in the building at the main disconnect. A service rated transfer switch can be used however there's no neutral running to the building just the two sets of (4) 500's. So essentially we're bonding the generator, running through the generator circuit breaker to the service entrance rated transfer switch and then reusing the old service through the other side of the transfer switch and then to the building.

I've never done this before and I want to be certain it's acceptable. I spoke to the electrical inspector and he said it's fine, happens all the time. His feeling is that downstream of the ATS, we're simply providing a service. I checked in the code and we meet the requirements for 250.32 " buildings or structures supplied by feeders or branch circuits", B, exception. Battery charger, heater power, etc are supplies off the transfer switch so there's no ground between the ATS and the building. It's not clear to me that we have to meet 250.32 - the inspector feels it does not apply.

Thanks for the help.
I see it as you do and think the inspector is mistaken. The conductors from the generator can only be a feeder, they can never 'be a service'.

A 'service' can only be provided by a utility. Any time your the transfer switch is in the generator position all the conductors are in fact feeders.

See the definition of service in Article 100.
I see it as you do and think the inspector is mistaken. The conductors from the generator can only be a feeder, they can never 'be a service'.

A 'service' can only be provided by a utility. Any time your the transfer switch is in the generator position all the conductors are in fact feeders.

See the definition of service in Article 100.

I believe 250.82 would apply since we're refeeding the premise wiring from another structure, the ATS enclosure or shed really.
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